Monday, November 2, 2020

TWO-IN-ONE Byzantine Alexandrian Greek New Testament- Now in Hardcover


Click image for details at Amazon

Just in time for Christmas. Hardcover edition of the TWO-IN-ONE Byzantine Alexandrian Greek New Testament. Also in paperback. The hardcover is not just a plain cloth cover with a dust jacket. This is a quality laminate hardcase full color printed cover. Be sure to "Look inside" to see the simple easy-reading format.

The Two-in-One Byzantine Alexandrian Greek New Testament is a merged in-line common text of the Alexandrian and Byzantine textual classics: Stephanus 1550, and, Nestle 1904. (Not a parallel and no messy side columns or footnotes). Over 4,000 textual variants between the two text-types are clearly documented in-line, providing a one-source solution for identifying the Greek variants behind the translation of most classic and modern English New Testaments. The Alexandrian and Byzantine texts, represented by Stephanus 1550 and Nestle 1904, where in agreement, form a common base-text for the Two-in-One Byzantine Alexandrian Greek New Testament.

Variants between the Alexandrian and Byzantine texts are presented in-line without bias using square brackets [Alexandrian] and parentheses (Byzantine). Thus, both text-types are honored without prejudice, allowing the reader equal and objective access to two of the most respected ancient Greek New Testament base-texts in one convenient document. The variants among most modern English Bible translations are addressed in the Two-in-One Byzantine Alexandrian Greek New Testament so the Greek reader can quickly identify and follow the source texts during live teachings or while listening to prerecorded audio.

Stephanus 1550 and Nestle 1904 represent two of the most respected and broad-based Greek source-texts for the English New Testament. The modern version of the Authorized King James Bible draws its New Testament portions primarily from Stephanus 1550. Stephanus standardized the chapter-and-verse numbering system used today and Stephanus IV was the chief base-text of the Geneva Bible, making the Stephanus texts the official New Testament Greek source of the Protestant Movement for more than 300 years. The Alexandrian text-type is represented by Eberhard Nestle's, The New Testament: Text with Critical Apparatus, published by The British And Foreign Bible Society.
Images of ancient papyri and parchments are displayed on the first page of each New Testament book. The digital images of these priceless treasures have been graphically enhanced to make the Greek text more legible.
The 2012 edition of the Dodson Greek-English Lexicon by John Jeffrey Dodson is included in the appendix to provide concise English definitions for most of the words found in this compilation.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

First One to the Cross: Wive's Guide to a Winning Marriage

Updated Release: First One to the Cross: Wive's Guide to a Winning Marriage

Click for Amazon paperback page

First One to the Cross features God's Word in communicating practical tips to ensure strong marriages and real hope for women enduring strained marriages. The title of the book comes from the saying, "The first one to the cross wins!" Gwen covers nine crucial aspects contributing to the quality of married life:

1. Unconditional Love (Who Luvs Ya Baby? )
2. Reverence (Let Go & Let God)
3. Humility (Who Me? )
4. Affirmation (What's Real Good? )
5. Expectations (En Guarde! In Your Thought Life)
6. Spiritual Warfare (Satan's Up to Something)
7. Virtue vs. Vice (Fruity or Foul? )
8. Romance (Takin' Care of Business vs. Marital Bliss)
9. Personal Growth (The Easy Way or the Hard Way).

"Real life" case studies demonstrate how the principles discussed in each chapter have transformed lives and improved marriage relationships. This book includes Q&A and space for notes, as well as providing answers to many of the questions - making it a ready-to-use resource for individual or group study (gatherings or virtual online). The study questions at the end of most chapters will help the reader to personalize their own journey to relational well-being. If you don't feel like a "winner" in your marriage relationship, this book is for you!

Gwen Steinle has a passion for helping others make practical application of Biblical principles. Gwen's study of the Bible has taken her to Israel, Turkey, Greece, Sinai, Jordan, and Egypt to discover first-hand how people have historically "lived out" their faith. Gwen and her husband, Chris, have five children and 11 grandchildren. Gwen founded and operated her own business for over a decade. She has also served the Lord as Children's Education Director, Children's Church teacher, and women's mentor.