Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Gift of Tongues audio book is now available at Audible!

The Gift of Tongues audio book is now available at Audible!

The Gift of Tongues - Audio Book Cover
click image for details at Audible

Narrated by author

The Gift of Tongues by C.W. Steinle has been produced by Memorial Crown Press and is available today:

The Kindle edition has over 80 reviews at 4.5 stars. Audio fans can now enjoy hearing this study in the author's own voice.

The author receives additional support through Audible sharing when anyone signs up for Audible and makes "The Gift of Tongues" their first audio book selection.

This is the first of a series of audio books that are now in production at Memorial Crow Press.

From the author:

"I just completed my fist audio book! It took longer to produce than I thought it was going to but it is so satisfying to know that listeners will hear the book with the proper inflection. Strong points and emotional subjects are boosted exponentially by the spoken word. This will be up at Amazon and iTunes withing the next few days and then we will see it receives the same appreciation as the written editions that are running 4.5 stars."

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Gift of Tongues by C.W. Steinle audiobook

The Gift of Tongues by C.W. Steinle will soon be available in audio format.

The Gift of Tongues audiobook image

Questions about the gift of tongues too often go unasked and unanswered. This book represents over ten years of teaching on the subject as well as real life experience inside and outside the church setting. Check out some of the reviews at the Amazon link.

This little book on the gift of tongues that has now sold over 15,000 copies. The 2018 Kindle version has been revised for readability. The audio recording and editing process have been completed and, hopefully, it will be available at Audible, Amazon, and iTunes in the next few days.

The paperback and Kindle edition are available at Amazon:
Click image for details at Amazon
Newly revised in 2018. The Gift of Tongues is a concise reference to one of the most mysterious practices of the Christian faith. The definition, description, and uses of tongues are each explained, giving biblical references. The author covers various views on the gift of tongues and briefly discusses the Cessation Theory. Topics include: the purposes of tongues, use of tongues in church and in private, the nature and value of tongues to the church and to the individual, and how to revive a church in which the gifts have dwindled.

More than a Bible study- The Gift of Tongues gives practical and personal guidance, answering many of the questions that frequently go unasked.

“Is it any wonder that the principalities of darkness are rising up and overpowering the floundering church of North America? Our mighty weapons in Christ have been cast aside for the rocks and clubs of mere human ability - natural instead of supernatural, but predictable and logical, and conveniently taught in seminary.”

“Christianity is nothing more than religion when it ceases to be supernatural!”

[Author's Note: Teaching a class on the gifts of the Spirit for the last eleven years has convinced me that the gift of tongues is one of the most emotionally charged subjects in the Bible. My classes on the gifts are always robust with questions and comments - and occasional funny looks - and blank stares. But I am nonetheless persuaded that the spiritual gifts mentioned by name in the Bible belong to the body of foundational truths. Truths that every Christian needs to understand.

One of my favorite ice breakers at the beginning of a new session is to ask a series of “Would it be biblical?” questions. Seldom do the students get these questions right. Usually, it becomes obvious right away that most of students in the class haven't studied the Bible's full counsel on tongues for themselves. Many of the students do however already have some bias as to whether tongues are truly holy or not.

Now that I have assembled more observations about the gift of tongues than I can teach during a one hour course, it seems appropriate to write this little book. Our goal will be to discover what the Bible says regarding this gift; encouraging what God commends, while acknowledging the New Testament guidelines to ensure decency and order. I must confess from the onset that I am biased by my understanding of the Scriptures and by my own personal experience. I will, admittedly, add my own take, and a few extra-biblical examples to convey my personal conclusions.

I hope you will find this study to be fresh and informative as we take a closer look at this mysterious gift.] end excerpt

Friday, April 20, 2018

Free #Israel70 Anniversary #Kindle edition- Reclaiming the Rapture

FREE #Israel70 ANNIVERSARY GIFT- Apr 18-22. Rediscover the Commonwealth of Israel in the last days. CELEBRATE NATIONAL ISRAEL with a #free #Kindle edition of "Reclaiming the Rapture: Restoring the Doctrine of the Gathering of the Commonwealth of Israel." April 18 - 22 download the Kindle version free. Regularly retails for $14.95 paperback and $4.99 ebook.

On Modern Israel's 70th Anniversary week, discover the Bible's bigger picture for the events of the end times; a picture that provides a future and hope now, at Christ's return, and beyond.

Get details and download at Amazon:

End-times Bible prophecy is like a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle partially done. Many godly people have come before us and have spent a great deal of effort establishing the borders of the puzzle. Parts of the faces and the landscape are taking form, yet without the box cover showing the finished product, no one really knows how it ought to look entirely assembled. The timing of the rapture is a puzzle-piece incorrectly placed. Many times, teachers will begin with the assumption that the timing of the rapture is fixed and non-negotiable. They then demand that the rest of the end times scenario fit that assumption.

The dilemma posed by an imminent return of Christ, together with His clear statement in Matthew 24 that He will return "after the tribulation of those days," must be addressed by any serious study of eschatology. Some theologies propose two Second Comings. But Peter and Paul state that Jesus must remain in heaven at the Father's right hand until certain events are fulfilled (see 1st Corinthians 15:24-28, Psalms 110, Acts 3:21). These specific criteria eliminate the possibility of two descents from Christ's heavenly throne. It is, therefore, necessary to resolve the dual mandate of imminence and tribulation within the Bible's own framework of one Second Coming. "Reclaiming the Rapture" provides the solution that is supported prolifically throughout the Old and New Testaments.

It's time to rethink the timing and purpose of the rapture. The rapture was prophesied from Genesis to Revelation. Why have dozens of rapture prophecies been overlooked by mainstream theology? Explore the ancient texts and rediscover God's clear and consistent revelation of end time events.

Follow Douglas Hamp and Chris Steinle on their quest to solve the Bible's end time rapture puzzle.

* Explore dozens of verses that clearly state the timing of the rapture.

* Understand the logic behind Paul's eschatology.

* Learn why God's indignation, the rapture, and the Second Coming are all part of the Day of the Lord.

* Enjoy dramatic vignettes from the Millennium Chronicles that bring Bible prophecies to life.

* Consider the connection between the rapture and the promised redemption of the body.

* Discover God's plan to gather the Commonwealth of Israel, and how the Gathering applies to the Church.

* See why Paul insisted the dead must rise before the rapture.

* Know the biblical signs that will precede the return of Jesus.

* Includes four charts and three vignettes to showcase the authors' conclusions.

Get it free now:

Reclaiming the Rapture: Restoring the Doctrine of the Gathering of the Commonwealth of Israel
Reclaiming the Rapture: Restoring the Doctrine of the Gathering of the Commonwealth of Israel